Oh well. Never mind me. My first day at work was a breeze.
High points:
Coffee is amazing! (what was I thinking?)
Today’s induction session was fun and these guys have got their act together. No waiting. No technical glitches.
No failures of any kind.
Had a productive long conversation with bosswoman.
Enthusiastic team!
Got invited for a surprise dinner at boss’s place since it’s her birthday.
Not so high points:
Met so many people that I guess I would need a month to match the faces with names.
The women are all SKINNY!! :(
So you have a new job?...congrats!!!
So she enjoyed the new job :)
So did she change companies or profession altogether
Skinny women ?, got to know her new company :)!
SD : Yeah! thanks!
Rambler : Change in organization and industry :) Awwwww! Skinnies??They are all yours!
Oh... I would love to change the industry too... :( had enough of the one I am in..
I guess there is a time for everything..
Ohhh she changed the industry? Her trade too ?? Wishing her luck. & let the skinny women be with her. If she finds plumber ones refer them to me :D
Rusty : yeah! In bangalore! Hop skip and jump away from Central! at this rate I might aswell work for the malls!
SJ : Thanks and I shall keep you posted!
Yes, we love women with curves :D
Reno : Bless your soul! :)
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