Monday, August 06, 2007


where the darkness lies?

maybe it's within the soul

maybe it's without..


Renovatio said...

I wrote a haiku
But it is not very good
So I won't share it.


Rambler said...

Maybe its just I, me, myself
may be its my lacking to spot light
may be its all of us


btw i think haiku is supposed to have 5,7,5 syllable format.

either ways, I like the short format of telling stuff

Anonymous said...

Probably its my own resistance to reckon the light ...probably its my own comfort zone ....

Good thought :))

DreamCatcher said...

Reno : *grin*!

Rambler : Not fair! you wrote my thoughts :) And yes it's 5-7-5 syllable format but I take liberty to digress like with everything else :)

Saaya : it all of the above and more :)

Rambler said...

Ah I am sorry,,, guess we both seem to thinking similar after your be/become post :)

DreamCatcher said...

Rambler : Let it 'be' :)

Anonymous said...

Great u r guys are talking each others thoughts :))

Anonymous said...

Piya I absolutely loved your posts labled under "love" and "love and longing" !! They are very different yet very related :)) Way to go !!

DreamCatcher said...

Saaya : First, thank you. I am humbled :) and thank you again for your patience in reading them....

And no, we aren't talking eachothers thoughts it's just a case of great minds think alike...did you say, humility just flew out of the window? :)

Anonymous said...

ok :)
Two great minds are thinking alike :)))

Rambler said...

It takes a third great mind to spot the other two :)

RustyNeurons said...

Beautiful! Darkness is inside most of the times - depends on the soul as to when it permits to surface!
(About disappearing, still struggling to find a hold on my writing :(, guess it's gonna be a slow recovery)

DreamCatcher said...

Rambler, Saaya : is takes a genius to spot another :)

Rusty : Please don't deprive us of your talent :)

Anonymous said...

What is Haiku?