Tuesday, August 07, 2007

good girls go to heaven?

I started writing a comment on Sheyasi’s post but in no time it became a post!

First, I will leave the men out of this discussion and yes the last line of her post hit the nail on the head. From what I have experienced first hand, women 'suffer' more in the hands of same-gender individuals than anyone else. Dowry, bride burning, female foeticide…perpetrators are unfortunately almost always women. Who isn’t familiar with, supremely biased mothers who treat their sons better than the daughters, demonic mother-in-laws, jealous co-sisters, and the list can be endless. Yes, one can say it’s a question of empowerment, it’s a question of awareness, it’s a question of education, it’s a question of conditioning but it’s no wonder women all over the world are treated as second-class citizens (except pockets of tribal societies). Their participation in such heinous crimes against humanity/silent and implied support/non-resistance towards there continuity, have all pushed them to this abject condition.

Look around and you would meet women without exception, who are petty manipulators (including yours truly). I say petty cause though they manipulate with élan at micro (family) level, they mostly fail at the macro level because of their inability to look at the big picture (society) with women politicians as exceptions. They forget that what goes around comes around eventually. Why or what are we blaming the men for? We were born equal weren’t we? With our unique abilities that compliment? It’s a different matter that we never did anything about it and allowed ourselves to be branded ‘weak’ and therefore denied rights, which are natural to any human being.

Many applaud the idea of paradise to be an all women thingy. But I say, thank god for the men. Or else, our race would have been wiped out by paltry jealousies, misdirected and latent frustrations and selfish manipulations.

Ohhh! Didn’t I say I’ll leave the men out of it?


Shreyasi Deb said...

heheheheh....the men will bless you but wait they have loads coming for them too from my guns!!

DreamCatcher said...

from me too! :)

Ekta said...

aha well i agree..somewhere along the line..its we who are responsible for the state which we are in!

DreamCatcher said...

Ekta: Thanks for dropping by :)

Shubhojit said...

The very idea of there being a man and woman is that coexistence is the key. There will be differnce of opinions, drastically different thought processes but at the end of it both are needed to complete the earth. So as u said rightly, a only woman thing on this earth will be even more disastrous.

And dont think that women will stop being their own enemies.

Anonymous said...

i know what u r saying....but rather than saying women r perpetrators..I'd say patriarchy is the cause and men and women both victims to the same...

DreamCatcher said...

SJ : Wise words...and I knew you would like me voting in favour of the menfolk :)

Chandni : You may be right to an extend, but who allowed the patriarchy? I am certain if women gave up their certain pettiness and built a voice, patriarchy would have been long dead...

Renovatio said...

I don't know, I've heard plenty of horror stories of men being manipulative bastards at times too. But yes, women sure do know a thing or two within the family.

Oh and,
What the hell are co sisters...

DreamCatcher said...

Reno : Men learnt it from you-know-who! :)
co~sister - that's the term I get to hear describing the husband's brother's wife. A term I too was hereto unfamiliar with. As you can see my stay in Bangalore has helped my vocab :)

Rambler said...

hmm actually I dont agree, some people are manipulative and they happen to be women/men..