Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Watching the rain in the morning, I sit on the unmade bed and think about you. You always said rain in Mumbai looks pretty. So I watch. The silver streaks on the glass wall of my room making patterns of abstract fantasy. The horizon stretching grey sheet that hijacked the blue sky. Weekday morning rush of multi coloured umbrellas on the road far below.
But all I think about is you.
I missed you on the empty seat next to me on the plane. I missed your blissful sleepy face on the pillow next to mine in bed. I missed you cuddling up with me under the sheets while still half asleep. I missed your open-capped shampoo bottle in the shower cubicle. I missed nuzzling my face in your towel that always smells of you. I missed having my clothes next to yours in the wardrobe. I missed our slippers getting all mixed up under the bed. I missed sharing a cigarette with you after making love. I missed the roughness of your stubble and the softness of your kiss. I missed you lying naked next to me and talking about your favourite author. I missed our long calls on silly childhood whims and ghost stories. I missed sharing your ipod ear piece and listening to our favourite songs together. I missed you teasing me till I burst in frustration, that seems to always amuse you. But most of all I miss your smiling eyes that say, I love you.


On the way.... said...

so true... staright from the heart

Anonymous said...

how true !! These small things make so much difference.

DreamCatcher said...

on the way: thanks and welcome here :)

sunshine: yeah they do...

moonstruckmoth said...

It's weird how sm ppl take away huge parts of u n at the same time leave bits of them
behind...little hooks which keep tugging at ur heart...smtimes at the most inopportune moments...

N u never feel complete till all those bits n pieces come the same the same place...

It's a delicious life living in u n at the same time, in that other person...

BTW, m so missing the crazy incessant Bombay rains...n those rainbows of umbrellas!!

Sam said...

i second moonstruckmoth here!!
and well.. well written.. and strangely enough very true... some people leave to much of them with you... reminds me of the song.. "mera kuch samaan"

DreamCatcher said...

moonstruck: that is life I guess...we leave parts of ourself as we move along in life. When I lived in Mumbai I hated the rain..but now when I visit the city, I enjoy the rain...

sam: ohh the romantic you :)

moonstruckmoth said...

Piya, m adding u to my blogroll...actually I've already done it :)
M presenting it as a fait accompli, but hope it wont be a prob...

Needless to say, u write well...not just how, but I like ur 'thoughts'

DreamCatcher said...

moonstruck: thank you for the compliment and for adding me to your blogroll. :) Keep reading!

Gypsy said...

sigh! that was incredibly, incredibly beautiful!

DreamCatcher said...

gypsy: hopeless romantic..aren't we! sigh!