Tuesday, January 15, 2008

who me?

We were having lunch on Saturday, when she said “You look like you party hard!” This caught me by surprise. I don’t exactly look the type. No, really I don't. I prefer solitary activities like reading and am pretty orthodox with my music, plus I am zero on fashion trends. Not your stereotypical party animal eh!? I wanted to ask her what gave her that impression. But I hardly know her to get into that kind of intimacy. Perhaps I should have asked. Just to be able to understand how the world at large views me. It’s not that I consciously cultivate many avatars, but they seem to exist nevertheless.


Rambler said...

She must have seen the inner bubbly side in you :)

hehhe kidding.. it might have been just a passing comment :D

Its fun to see the way the world see you right

Sam said...

ah forget it!! tell me... does it really matter???

DreamCatcher said...

rambler: I am sure she had...:)

sam: no, it doesn't really matter..!

Dusty Fog said...

hhmmn...so S seems to be the flavour of the month looks like..lagey raho boss...incidentally, you think/believe that YOU are not the PARTY types?!!!...hhmmnn....and pigs will fly...yippeee.....!!!!

DreamCatcher said...

Dusty: the flavour?...plain vanilla anyone? I am NOT the party type...you know that...don't read a book by its cover! :)

Dusty Fog said...

cover? I have read every page my friend...

Anonymous said...

Ah well, surprising how the world views us. Even more startling when it's totally off track.