Tuesday, January 01, 2008

God bless us all...

Another year passed by. Quietly. But for the de reguier “What are you doing tonight?” and “What’s your New Year resolution?”

Answer to the first. I didn’t ‘do’ anything out of the ordinary last night. Worked through the day. Went home and spent time with folks. Drank a little wine and cooked a decent meal. Missed a few people in my life. Slept before the midnight hour with my mobile on silent. And I woke up minus any guilt of not ‘doing’ something special.

Answer to the second. God bless them who make resolutions and stick by them and even those who don’t. As for me, I have never made any resolutions, which is why I never have to stick to one :) Freedom eh?

There was a time when ‘New Year's Eve’ seemed like a special day with whirlwind of activities as we raced each other and the world to make the most of it. Parties. Friends old and new. Dancing through the night. Pounding hangover(groan!). You get the picture. It was a night that everyone talked about through the first weeks of the New Year. But somewhere over the years it stopped being the center of our existence.

Like this year. Close to the year-end, I spent a wonderful day with a friend. We talked. We bantered. We shared a take-away meal. We relaxed. We even planned an adult radio show together called ‘Lewd Rampart’ (don’t ask!). A complete useless day you might say. But easily one of my best days in many many years. Reconfirming my belief that any day can be special as long as you give it a shot.

So that was that. One more year down and one more year to live, love and celebrate.


Rambler said...

Hey nice to know you had a fun evening, how about more information about the lewd Rampart ;)
There was a time when I used to be awake all night celebrating with cousins and friends, lately it has been just me, and this year too was amazing fun sleeping thorough the new year :).

Renovatio said...

Have a great, great year, as peaceful and as full of accomplishments as your new years eve night. They say that the way you spend your new years eve is how the rest of the year's going to go, I hope that's how yours goes :)

RustyNeurons said...

Happy New Year Piya!!
Looks like most of us are celebrating in a similar fashion..

DreamCatcher said...

Rambler:happy New Year to you. Lewd Rampart is copyrighted...wait for the radio show!

Reno: hahahaha! thank you thank you.... happy new year to you too..

Rusty: happy new year to you !

Dusty Fog said...

aaahhh....you know what DC, you should get the 3 R's together for a drink and then tell them about lewd rampart or whatever...will be fun i am sure....in any case, I am glad you had a good close to the year gone by, and if the year ahead is going to be like that last day...hhmnn...not bad at all..just that John will want to be included me thinks....what say?!!!

Dusty Fog said...

incidentally...the friend has been reduced from "best" friend to "a" friend, or this is somebody else who hasn't featured on one of your earlier posts......?!!! just an observation.....!!!!

DreamCatcher said...

ohh yeah the 3 Rs that preceded you! shall invite...

John is a pleasure and always welcome.....

...they say a rose is a rose no matter by what name you call it :) This is my bestest friend ever!

Anonymous said...

I know what you are saying. Its the day thats important and not the date. :)beautiful post

DreamCatcher said...

thealpha: thank you for dropping by...make that a habit :)