Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Living in your afterglow

Star Movies. Dominick and Eugene.
Mid movie, he turns and says. " We are like that na?"
"Yeah.." she says distractedly.
We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl…...” he sings softly.
“Oh…not again” she rolls her eyes.
Years later she watches the movie again. Alone. “…wish you were here…” she sings off key.


Shreyasi Deb said...

wow Dc...wanna join us?

DreamCatcher said...

Sure S...if you think this is worth...

Asha Kurien said...

u seem to love the inxs song!afterglow is one song i fell in love with very slowly...after listening to it several times.

DreamCatcher said...

LS : yeah I do like this song....it kinda grew on me too :)

Anonymous said...

:).... I love that one too.... Afterglow.

And incidentally the song on your blog - Coming back to life is the song I want to be marooned with on an island - The only one song that I love like mad.

Just one Q - is this a roger waters rendition? Coz I have a David Gilmour voiced version and thsi dont sound like that...sounds more like waters....

if it is..can you pass it on?


DreamCatcher said...

GG: Its my all time fav :) It is Gilmore-Royal Albert Hall 30th May 06. It was recorded on a mobile phone..so I guess it sounds a little different from the studio recording...